Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Stupid Freaking Bullies On MovieStarPlanet:))

So Today imma be talking about the bullies on Msp.i have lots and lots of supporters and then on the other hand i have alot of Haters.>.<my friends that are like on level 19 have i mean alot of haters.and if you have not got the consept yet haters are mostly bullies bullies are someone who says mean things about you sometime in your life.but i most get called bad names is on Msp i try to keep my head up and not think about all the stupid mess with my friends or my best friend ecspecailly you mess with me :))i know this was a really short blog but yeah Have A Nice Day!! ^-^


  1. how old is movie star planet by the way dont worry this people dont understand how mean it can be for a person to be bullied or sad people in real life may not be happy about themselves but a game can cause it too the game seems for older people theres young kids who play it and dont understand what it is for or what a person can do i am 11 and i am not playing the game till im 13 <3

  2. my names friendlymexicon you can comment me on
